About the Centre

With support from the Science Fund – IDEAS Program, the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, has established the National Simulation Center for Security Risks. The establishment of the Center was guided by the idea that it would become a hub for scientific research, education, and the enhancement of expert knowledge and skills, as well as the execution of joint security exercises and similar, complementary fields. The Center is equipped with the most modern computer programs, applications, and devices, including those for virtual reality. The Center houses several computer workstations that enable modeling and simulation of security risks, as well as a much wider application through the use of both state-of-the-art professional software (e.g., XVR Simulation, AnyLogic, and ADMS) and widely available software (e.g., Simantics System Dynamics, OpenModelica, NS-3 network simulator, GNS 3 network simulator, NetLogo, etc.). These software packages offer almost unlimited possibilities in terms of creating scenarios for problems to be simulated. Additionally, the platforms provide a wide range of didactic options for participants (e.g., learning, training, and assessments), as well as scalable options (e.g., self-guided or multi-participant training – group exercises).
In addition to the possibility of simulating a wide range of security risks, these software tools also find their application in the following areas:
   • analysis and prediction of social processes related to politics, public administration, public opinion, marketing, as well as crisis communication;
  • унапређење пословних процеса унутар широког спектра индустријских, услужних и логистичких области пословања;
  • identification and projection of environmental pollution from specific sources of pollution (e.g., a single industrial plant), as well as the measurement of air pollution in the event of technical and technological accidents;
  • improvement of the competencies and expertise of emergency services (e.g., firefighters, police, emergency medical services, etc.) in crisis management;
  • risk assessment and the application of basic crisis management tools when dealing with crisis situations;
  • maximization of marketing and sales strategies through market simulation that has the necessary flexibility and capacity to encompass key factors and market dynamics;
  • assessment, evaluation, and management of financial and investment risks.

The establishment and operation of the Center are based on the idea of promoting science and new forms of education through the use of advanced technologies. To achieve our goals, we need to encourage joint efforts between academia, professionals, industry, and students, both domestically and internationally. We are interested in signing appropriate agreements with institutions that possess resources which we can mutually utilize, in order to form a national network for research and education using simulation tools and advanced technologies. To achieve the set objectives, visits will be organized to institutions that, to our knowledge, have compatible resources. The Faculty of Security Studies and the National Simulation Center for Security Risks are open to collaboration and invite all interested parties to participate in the Center's activities. We believe that together we can utilize our resources, and similar or identical resources of other institutions, to enhance overall capabilities and achieve a synergistic effect.